The best natural remedies for puffy eyes

Are your eyes swollen ? Do you have bags or dark circles ? Try these natural remedies to reduce puffiness and make your eyes look like they're getting all the rest they need.

The North Pole method

Cooling eye treatments are well known for reducing swelling. Wrap ice cubes in a clean cloth and place them against your bags for 2 minutes. Yes, it's pretty cold, but that's the whole point ! For extra sensitive skin, use cold teaspoons that have been cooling in the fridge and place them on your eyes for a few minutes.
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The vegetable method

Everyone knows that putting cucumber, tomato or potato slices on the eyes for a few minutes works wonders for reducing puffiness. But you can also use vegetables in a poultice. Grate a potato and wrap the pulp in gauze before placing it in the fridge ; letting it chill before applying it to swollen eyes. Unlike cucumber slices, you don't need to rinse your eyes afterwards ; it's the starch in the potato that helps to tighten the skin.
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The infusion method

Treat dark circles with teabags, (green tea works best), adding them to hot water as normal before leaving them to cool and holding them against your under eye area for 10-15 minutes. The stimulating and decongesting action of the tea makes the bags under the eyes disappear rapidly. Soft coffee pods also work when they have been well chilled.
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The green method

A compress infused with chamomile also gets a result thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Cornflower water and rose water also act as good decongestants when using chilled cotton wool pads soaked in the liquid.
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Milk products method

Soak cotton wool in milk (full cream or semi-skimmed) and place on each eye for 10 minutes.
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Another tip

Mix an egg white (its tightening properties are well known) with 4 tsps of sour cream (for a hydrating effect). After 5 minutes in the fridge, apply it around the contours of your eyes and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing it clean.
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