Help, my skin's itching me to death!

Your skin feels tight, dry and is itching like crazy... It may not be serious but it's really annoying, particularly when it stops us from getting our beauty sleep. Here's a closer look at this benign yet infuriating problem.

Itchy skin = dry skin

Itchy skin is a common problem. Most of time, no matter what age you are, itchy skin is pruritus - an unpleasant sensation but not an illness; it's harmless but drives us nuts. Unless you suffer from a skin condition such as eczema and your itchy skin only flares up from time to time, then it usually means your skin's too dry. And nothing more! 
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So why does it itch?

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 When skin becomes too dry, it feels tight and itchy, particularly on the arms, legs and back. Our skin's cutaneous barrier becomes damaged and can no longer protect the epidermis, which loses its soft, supple feel. Leading to tight, itchy skin. That we can't help but scratch! Which is the worst thing to do, as it will only make your skin feel more sore.
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What are the culprits?

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Cold, wind, sun and changes in temperature cause the epidermis to dehydrate, leading to itchy skin. Air-conditioning at home or work, stress and tap water can also wreak havoc.
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So what can I do?

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Start by choosing nurturing skincare products that don't contain preservatives, colourings, sulphates or soap. When you step out of the bath or shower, pat your skin dry - avoid rubbing at all costs. And avoid face/body scrubs until your skin feels comfortable - scrubs will only further damage your fragile epidermis. Opt for daily skincare treatments that will deeply nourish your skin and fatten up its hydrolipidic layer. Remember to apply them morning and night, particularly during winter!
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{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "subjectOf": { "@type": "ItemList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 1, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Superhero skincare ingredients to calm your skin", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":900, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2021-01-06T14:07:03+00:00", "dateModified": "2022-01-23T02:36:02+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Tight, itchy face? Burning cheeks? Listen up, your skin's sending out an SOS. It's in need of soothing and softening, so try these star active ingredients." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 2, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Anti ageing the natural antioxidant approach", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":900, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2021-01-06T16:49:15+00:00", "dateModified": "2022-01-23T02:36:05+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Antioxidants are THE nutritional anti-ageing superheroes : and there's no need to raid your local chemist, the answer's on your plate." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 3, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"2 minutes to Brighter Complexion", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":600, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-09-05T09:25:45+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-09-05T09:26:02+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":" Blotchy skin when you wake up? Dull skin after lunch? Drooping skin at the end of the day? Don't worry: try these two-minute tips for a brighter complexion." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 4, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Want To Avoid Having Oily Skin When Putting On Sunscreen Follow These Simple Steps", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":600, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-08-02T03:50:48+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-08-07T02:51:37+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Global climate change makes the weather hotter and the sunlight stronger. For us who live in tropical countries, it gives us beautiful and exotic skin tone. However, continuous exposure to the sun will require us to be best friends with the sunscreen. Unfortunately, most women tend to skip the step of using sunscreen as they fear having shinny looking skin. What more if they already have naturally oily skin. But there’s no need to worry, because L’Oreal Paris came up with the perfect solution. Read on!" } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 5, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Must Have The Brightening Essence That Penetrates Up To 10 Layers", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":600, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-08-07T08:26:57+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-08-08T06:43:01+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Facial beauty essence is arguable the new celebrity in the world of beauty. This popular product in the East Asian market is indeed like magical water that softens and brightens the face." } } ] } }
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