Eye contour acupressure: the solution for younger looking eyes

Drawn features, tired eyes, dark circles and bags... these unfortunate signs pile years on our eye contour area. But never fear: a simple massage can have a real eye rejuvenation effect. We take a look at acupressure for more rested, younger looking eyes!
The skin around the eye contour is three times thinner than on the rest of the face. This fineness makes the eye contour area extremely sensitive to our lifestyle. As this zone is very fine, it is more vulnerable to external aggressions, to lack of sleep and to the first signs of ageing: through a lack of collagen, elastin and fatty cells, the eye contour can become very dry. Once fragile, it is the ideal place for your first wrinkles to make an appearance. Applying an eye contour skin care product can help to preserve this area, but even a simple massage can boost micro-circulation, improve the effectiveness of anti ageing products and lead to younger looking eyes.
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Acupressure: an anti ageing technique

This method is inspired by shiatsu and works through light pressure from the fingertips on the face's energy points; around the eyes and eyebrows;, thus creating an incredible feeling of relaxation and letting go. Above all, acupressure boosts circulation and drains lymph fluid, making it an even more interesting proposition for eye rejuvenation, as this means it camouflages signs of fatigue (bags, dark circles, drawn features) and slows down signs of ageing. It is an easy beauty routine addition that can be carried out when you wake up, especially if you didn't get quite enough shut-eye!  
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Tone the eye contour

Start with a toning action for the eye contour. Place your fingertips on the inner corner of each eye and massage with clockwise motions. This action encourages drainage and decongestion. Then move to the second point, in the middle of each eyebrow, and make the same movement. Then, massage the end of each eyebrow, for younger looking eyes.  
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Reduce bags

Place your fingertips on your lower eyelids and apply very light, anticlockwise pressure. Start at the inner corner of the eye, then move out slowly until reaching the crow's feet.  
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Achieve younger looking eyes

Finish off with a smoothing action that will boost micro-circulation. With your fingertips, tap gently around the eye contour. To make this technique even more effective and rejuvenate your eye contour, you can also turn to chamomile essential oil.
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Dull skin after lunch? Drooping skin at the end of the day? Don't worry: try these two-minute tips for a brighter complexion." } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 4, "url" : "https://www.lorealparis.com.my/beauty-magazine/want-to-avoid-having-oily-skin-when-putting-on-sunscreen-follow-these-simple-steps", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"Want To Avoid Having Oily Skin When Putting On Sunscreen Follow These Simple Steps", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.com.my/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/apac/my/categories/hero-images/2000x600-digital-revitalift-filler3-multispokes_dmi_image.jpg?rev=0f810f692f1f476a854f0687a6a9773c", "height":600, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-08-02T03:50:48+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-08-07T02:51:37+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"https://www.lorealparis.com.my/-/media/project/loreal/brand-sites/oap/shared/baseline/navigationext/loreal-paris-black-logo.svg?rev=ef1c83b3d7d34ec7b71abcac75ef771e", "width":189, "height":60 } }, "description":"Global climate change makes the weather hotter and the sunlight stronger. 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This popular product in the East Asian market is indeed like magical water that softens and brightens the face." } } ] } }
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