Beautifying bananas, my skin's fruity BFF!

A quick energy booster, yummy pudding ingredient, afternoon snack... bananas are totally underestimated. Which is a shame, as the cosmetic benefits of banana are manifold: our faces, bodies and hair all love a bit of banana!
Did you know that bananas are REALLY good for skin? A fruit available at any time of year, bananas contain around 75% water, which means they're great for hydrating skin and preventing it from drying out or peeling. Bananas contain nutrients that are essential for a healthy epidermis, including high levels of vitamins C and B6, which help skin to retain its elasticity. Add to that bananas' antioxidant and manganese content, two nutrients that combat the harmful effects of free radicals responsible for premature skin ageing. 
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Banana, a moisturising superhero

One of the many benefits of bananas is their ability to hydrate skin, thanks to their vitamin A, which restores lost water and repairs skin that's dull, dry or blemished. To naturally moisturise your skin, mash up a ripe banana and smear it over your face (avoiding your eye contour). Leave it on for around 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Your skin will feel wonderfully soft and supple!  
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Banana, an anti-ageing powerhouse

The nutrients found in bananas combat wrinkles and help skin keep its youthful glow. For an easy banana skincare recipe, you can whip up an anti-ageing face mask. Simply mash up an avocado with a banana, for a Vitamin A and E-packed treatment. Avocados' vitamin E mixed with the nutritional benefits of bananas can combat and repair any damage caused by free radicals. Leave the mask on for 25 minutes and rinse off. Your skin will be softer and younger looking.  
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Banana, for a glowing complexion

Bananas contain vitamin C, which helps skin keep a healthy glow, whilst reducing liver spots and blemishes. A second simple banana skincare recipe is to mash one up with a dash of lemon juice. Apply and leave on for 25 minutes. It will immediately brighten your complexion.  
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Banana, to lighten your luggage

Another benefit of bananas is their decongestant action, making them great for reducing bags under the eyes. Their potassium absorbs excess fluid accumulated under the skin and immediately reduces swelling. Peel a banana, place the skin on your eye contours and leave for 15-20 minutes. Your eyes will put any Manga babe to shame!    
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